Highlighted words and phrases are hyperlinks to other documents or resources. Single click on any highlighted phrase to follow the link. For instance, you may want to find out how to configure your system to access remote Web servers from home over the phone.
Unless you had previously configured Mosaic, this is your default startup page. From here you can get to other pages by clicking on any hot-links in this document. If you want to have Mosaic start up with another home page as default, then set the resource:
Mosaic*homeDocument: http://some.other.machine/document.name.html
A Motif-based graphical scripting language, SCO Visual Tcl is being released for the first time on Skunkware 2.0. If you are already familiar with SCO Visual Tcl, you may want to browse the vtcl man pages.
Many of the Skunkware contributed packages include an HTML document or README with a brief description of the software. Click here to peruse these files and get some idea of the variety of software included in this release of SCO Skunkware.
Several animations are included in the Skunkware contributions. To view these, select the computer animation hot link.
Tour the Savage Rabbit Art Gallery - an online collection of Objects d'Art generated by SCO employees and computer software developed under SCO ODT.
There's color pictures of Elvis, Hank, Madonna, John & Yoko, the seafloor, the lunar landings, cellular automata, Monet, Renoir, fractals and more.
If you have Internet access, this extensive list of URL's demonstrate the wealth of information a mouse click away. Check out the CIA World Factbook, the NASA Home Page, the UC-Berkeley Museum of Paleontology, an extensive index to multimedia information sources, the on-line art exhibits at Le WebLouvre, and much more.